Bottle opener "Hermetus"
Bottle opener "Hermetus"
Look at this. The first time I saw it there was a sharp intake of breath, so very handsome is it. This is such a natty bottle opener.....AND closer! What do you mean? There's a rubberised bit underneath so you can re seal the bottle (if you don't finish your pop, and you don't want to lose the fizz). You'll get the hang of it, but you slide the Hermetus opener back onto the bottle and it holds the rubber part tight to the open mouth, keeping the fizz in.
And look closely at the picture of the underside and you'll see the teeth that help with screw caps too (it opens both crown and screw caps).
What more could you want? Everyone I know is getting one of these for their birthday.
It's about 8.5cm and German made.